Wednesday, April 4, 2007

So I was finally able to rope my sister into coming to take some pictures and videos of me riding. She walked right into it too, had the day off school and was complaining that she was bored. I wanted some pictures so I could see what I looked like, actually seeing really helps me to understand what I'm doing wrong. So before the lesson I give my sister the run down on what I want and how to use my camera, including "side on shots would be great, and some pictures of walk, trot and canter" "here's the zoom" and "make sure it is on the action setting".

She got a few other videos that show faces too much so I won't post it, that have really helped me see what I am doing. I really need to work on my cantering, I really pump with my upper body.So here's the best of the lot.

Anyway was a good ride, didn't ride T, rode S. HUGE MARE. Her canter felt really small though. Would love to be able to ride her more.

Never mind, can't get the pictures to work. Was a good ride anyway.