Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I am currently feeling as though I am on a steep learning curve going nowhere fast. Even though I am progressing and getting better with every ride I find that I sometimes get frustrated by my seeming lack of advancement.

I guess realistically I am doing well for where I am and where I started. I started riding three years ago as an older teen. Had sub-par training for the first year and a half of my riding. Have recently been with a good dressage trainer riding her horse.

I am really learning to ride on this horse, not just be a passenger. He's really helping me with my aids and timing and feel. My walk and rising trot are pretty good, canter is fine, sitting trot is coming one stride at a time, but is not there yet. I find myself after every ride wanting more . . . and more and more.

Ideally I could pause the rest of my life and spend a year riding, find a working student position and throw myself into the deep end of the pool and really learn. But I don't think I could do that at this point.

I guess what I really want to know is, am I being too hard on myself. How fast can one expect to progress with once/twice a week riding. I don't even know where I want to be . . .

I'm confused.

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